With pleasure we announce the MARS - Otto Kinne - Lecture that each year will be given at the European Marine Biology Symposium (EMBS).
Professor Otto Kinne is the founder of EMBS that took place at Helgoland for the first time, its marine station being a nucleus for the establishment of the current MARS network at the same time. The award is meant to further the spirit of departure and innovation stemming from this important European scientific starting area.
The Marine Research Stations Network (MARS) is sponsoring this lecture with an award of 1500 Euro to the winner of the contest.
The contest will be held in February (announcement) and March 2007 (30 March deadline for applications).
The executive secretariat of MARS will evaluate the applications and will suggest a short-list. The current EMBS convener together with the MARS executives will select from the top three candidates of the shortlist. The final winner will be announced at the end of May each year.
Criteria and conditions for the contest are:
Applications can be send to the Executive Secretary of MARS Prof.Dr. Herman Hummel, e-mail h.hummel@nioo.knaw
The focal research topics in the MARS Network are currently:
We are looking forward to receiving Your application,
Herman Hummel and Friedrich Buchholz
More information on the MARS network can be found on the website:
With pleasure we announce the MARS-poster contest that each year will be held at the European Marine Biology Symposium (EMBS).
The Marine Research Stations Network (MARS) is sponsoring the 2 best posters at the EMBS with an award.
The best poster contribution on a topic involving Marine Biology will receive 250 Euro. The second best will receive 100 Euro.
The posters will be selected at the EMBS by a representative of the MARS network.The EMBS of 2007 will be held at Kiel, Germany (http://www.embs42.de).
More information on the MARS network, and previous poster contests, can be found on the website: