The history of the European Marine Biology Symposia dates back to 1960 when a series of German marine biological symposia was initiated by Otto Kinne, Director of the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland.
These Symposia attracted marine scientists from outside Germany and it was realized that European participation should be encouraged. In answers to a questionnaire sent out in 1965, 98% were in favour of European Marine Biology Symposium being held at regular intervals; 65% were against affiliation to any existing international bodies. As a result the first European Marine Biology Symposium was held on Helgoland in early Autumn 1966 (see Kinne, 1967).
Such was the success of this meeting that Symposia have been held annually since 1966. To date they have been organized in about 20 different European countries, some having been visited more then once, attracting marine scientists not just from Europe but from all over the world. Details concerning topics for discussion at the Symposia and all aspects of organization are left to the inviting institution. One, or sometimes two or three topics are chosen which normally reflect the interest of the inviting body. This restricts somewhat the number of participants but allows for an efficient exchange of ideas and discussions.
At the first meeting in Helgoland an ad hoc Committee was organized consisting of a representative from each European country attending that meeting. Such a Committee meets during each year's Symposium. The purpose of the Committee meeting is to ensure the informal nature of these Symposia and their continuity, and also to give advice to inviting institutions when necessary. There is a President, who holds office for 3 years and is supported by a Secretary. The late Harold Barnes of the Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory, Scotland, was elected the first President. He was followed by presidents coming from France, Germany, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands, Austria and Wales.
The objective of the European Marine Biology Symposia is to advance the science of Marine Biology within Europe.
The Symposia promote Marine Biology by means of an annual meeting hosted within a European country, open to all with an interest in the subject.
Wide dissemination of the scientific proceedings is by publication of selected, refereed papers in a symposium volume, currently in the international journal Hydrobiologia.
The aims of the annual symposia are:
1st European Marine Biology Symposium
Helgoland, FRG, 26 September-1 October 1966;
Biologische Anstalt Helgoland
Topics: - Experimental ecology, its significance as a marine biological tool
Subtidal ecology particularly as studied by diving techniques
The food web in the sea
Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 15 (1967) 721 pp.
Editors: O. Kinne & H. Aurich.
2nd European Marine Biological Symposium
Bergen, Norway, 24-28 August 1967;
Biological Station, Espegrend
Topic: - the importance of water movements for biology and distribution of marine organisms
Sarsia 34 (1968) 398 pp.
Editor: H. Brattstrom.
3rd European Marine Biology Symposium
Arcachon, France, 2-7 September 1968;
Station Biologique d'Arcachon
Topics: - Biologique des sediments meublés (vol 1)
Biologie des eaux à salinité variable (vol 2)
Vie et Milieu, Supplement 22 (1971); vol 1: 464 pp.; vol 2: pp.464-857.
Editor: J. Soyer.
4th European Marine Biology Symposium
Bangor, North Wales, UK, 14-20 September 1979;
Marine Science Laboratories, University College of North Wales, Menai Bridge
Topics: - Larval biology
Light in the marine environment
Cambridge University Press, London (1971) 599 pp.
Editor: D.J. Crisp.
5th European Marine Biology Symposium
Venice, Italy, 5-11 October 1970;
Institute of Marine Biology, Venice
Topics: - Evolutionary aspects of Marine Biology
Factors affecting biological equilibria in the Adriatic brackish water lagoons
Piccin, Padua, (1972) 348 pp.
Editor: B. Battaglia.
6th European Marine Biology Symposium
Rovinj, Yugoslavia, 27 September, 2 October 1971;
Marine biological station, Rovinj
Topics: - Productivity in coastal areas of the sea
Dynamics in benthic communities
Thalassia Jugoslavica 7 (1971). 445 pp.
7th European Marine Biology Symposium
Texel, the Netherlands, 11-16 September 1972
The Netherland Institute for Sea Research, Texel
Topics: - Mechanism of migration in the marine environment
Respiratory gasses and the marine organisms
Netherland Journal of Sea Research 7, (1973), 505 pp.
Editor: J.W. de Blok.
8th European Marine Biological Symposium
Sorrento, Italy, 1-7 October 1973;
Zoological Station of Naples
Topic: - Reproduction and sexuality in the marine environment
Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli 39, supplement 1(1975). 727pp.
Editors: G.Bonaduce & G.C.Carrada.
9th European Marine Biology Symposium
Oban, Scotland, UK, 2-8 October 1974;
The Dunstaffnage Marine Research Laboratory, Oban
Topic: The biochemistry, physiology and behaviour of marine organisms in relation to their ecology
Aberdeen University Press, Aberdeen (1975). 760 pp.
Editor: H.Barnes.
10th European Marine Biology Symposium
Ostend, Belgium, 17-23 September, 1975;
Institute for Marine Scientific Research, Bredene
Topics: - Research in mariculture at laboratory- and pilot- scale (vol 1)
Population in dynamics of marine organisms in relation with nutrient cycling in shallow waters (vol II)
Universa Press, Wetteren (1976), vol I, 620 pp.; vol II, 710 pp.
Editor: G. Persoone & E. Jaspers.
11th European Marine Biology Symposium
Galway, Ireland, 5-11 October 1976;
University College, Galway
Topic: - Biology of benthic organisms
Pergamon Press, Oxford (1977). 630 pp.
Editors. B.F.Keegan, P.OCeìdigh and P.J.S.Boaden.
12th European Marine Biology Symposium
Stirling, Scotland, UK, 5-12 September 1977;
University of Stirling
Topic: - Physiology and behaviour of marine organisms
Pergamon Press, Oxford, (1978). 388 pp.
Editors: D.S. McLusky & A.J.Berry.
13th European Marine Biology Symposium
Isle of Man, 27 September, 4 October 1978;
University of Liverpool, Port Erin
Topic: - Cyclic phenomena in marine plants and animals
Pergamon Press, Oxford (1979), 477 pp.
Editors: E. Naylor & R.G.Hartnoll.
14th European Marine Biology Symposium
Helgoland, FRG, 23-29 September 1979;
Biologishe Anstalt Helgoland
Topic: - Protection of life in the sea
Helgolander Wissenschaftliche Meersuntersuchungen 33 (1980), 732 pp.
Editors: O. Kinne & H.P. Blunheim.
15th European Marine Biology Symposium
Kiel, Damp2000, FRG, 29 September, 3 October 1980;
Institut fur Meereskunde an der Universitat Kiel
Topic: - Lower organisms and their role in the food web
Kieler Meersforschungen, Sonderheft 5, (1981), 588pp.
Editors: G.Rheinheimer, H.Flugel, J.Lenz & B.Zeitschel.
16th European Marine Biology Symposium
Texel, the Netherlands, 14-18 September 1981;
The Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Texel
Topic: - Dinamic aspects of marine ecosystem
Netherlands Journal of Sea Research,16, (1982), 546 pp.
Editor: J.W. de Blok.
17th European Marine Biology Symposium
Brest, France, 27 September- 1 October 1982;
Institut dEtudes Marins, CNEXO; Station Biologique de Roscoff
Topics: - Fluctuation and succession in marine ecosystems
Oceanologica Acta, Vol Spécial (1983). 225 pp.
Editor: L.Cabioch.
18th European Marine Biology Symposium
Oslo, Norway, 14-20 August 1983;
University of Oslo and the Norwegian Institute of Water Research (NIVA)
Topics: - Marine biology of polar regions
Effects of stress on marine organisms
John Wiley and sons, Chichester (1985). 639 pp.
Editors: J.S.Gray & M.E.Christiansen.
19th European Marine Biology Symposium
Plymouth, UK, 16-21 September 1984;
Marine Biological Associations of the UK
NERC Institute for Marine Environmental Research, Plymouth Politechnic
Topics: - Production of boundary systems
Dynamics of deep-sea life
Community organization in the benthos
Adaptive aspects of physiological and biochemical variability
Cambridge Universitypress, London (1985). 541 pp.
Editor: P.E. Gibbs.
20th European Marine Biology Symposium
Hirtshals, Denmark, 9-13 September 1985;
Marine Pollution Laboratory, National Agency of Environmental Protection & the Danish Institute for Fisheries and Marine Research
Topics:- Nutrient Cycling
Process in marine sediments
Ophelia 26 (1986). 473 pp.
Editor: K.Muus.
21th European Marine Biology Symposium
Gdansk, Poland, 14-19 September , 1986;
The University of Gdansk, Gdansk-Oliva
Topics:- Functioning of marine ecosystems
Biochemical and physiological adaptation in marine organisms
Bioaccumulation and redistribution of microelements, heavy metals and radionuclides by marine organisms.
Ossolineum, Gdansk (1989) 639 pp.
Editors: R.Z. Klekowsky, E. Styczynska-Jurewicz & J. Falkowsky
22nd European Marine Biology Symposium
Barcelona, Spain, 17-22 August, 1987;
Faculty of Biology, Barcelona
Topics:- Estuaries, deltas and coastal lagoons
Persistent frontal systems
Bottom communities
Scientia Marina 53 (1989). 754 pp.
Editor: J.Ros
23rd European Marine Biology Symposium
Swansea, Wales, 5-9 September, 1998;
School of Biological Sciences, University of Wales, Swansea
Topics:- Reproductive biology
Genetics of marine organisms
Factors limiting the distribution of marine organisms
Reproduction, Genetics and Distributions of Marine Organisms;
International Symposium Series, Olsen & Olsen (1989). 469 pp.
Editors: J.S.Ryland & P.A.Tyler.
24th European Marine Biology Symposium
Oban, Scotland, UK, 4-10 October 1989;
The Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory, Argyll, Oban
Topic:- Trophic relationship in the marine environment
Aberdeen University Press, Aberdeen (1990). 642 pp.
Editors: M.Barnes & R.N.Gibson.
25th European Marine Biology Symposium
Lido degli Estensi, Ferrara, Italy, 10-15 September 1990;
Department of Evolutionary Biology, University of Ferrara
Topics:- Eutrophication of marine environments
Population dynamics of marine organism
Marine Eutrophication and Population Dynamics.
International Symposium Series, Olsen & Olsen (1992). 394 pp.
Editors: G. Colombo, I. Ferrari, V.U.Ceccherelli & R. Rossi.
26th European Marine Biology Symposium
Middelburg, the Netherlands, 17-21 September 1991;
Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research, Yerseke & Tidal Waters Division of Rijckwaterstaat, Middelburg
Topic:- Biological effect of disturbances on estuarine and coastal marine environments
Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 30 (1992). 299 pp.
Editors: C.H.R.Heip, P.H.Nienhuis & P.R.Pollen-Lindeboom
27th European Marine Biology Symposium
Dublin, Ireland, 7-11 September, 1992;
Department of Zoology, Trinity College, University of Dublin
Topic:- Quantified phenotypic responses in morphology and physiology
Quantified Phenotypic Responses in Morphology and Physiology
Japaga Publishers, Ashford, Ireland (1993). 323pp.
Editor: J.C.Aldrich.
28th European Marine Biology Symposium
Hersonissos, Greece, 23-28 September 1993;
Institute of Marine Biology of Crete
Topic:- Biology and Ecology of Shallow Coastal Waters
Olsen & Olsen, Gredensborg, DK
Editor: Olsen & Olsen.
29th European Marine Biology Symposium
Vienna, Austria, 29 August - 2 September 1994;
Institute of Zoology, University of Vienna
Topic:- Influence of Organisms on their Environment
The Role of Epiosodic Events
Marine Ecology 1996, 17(1-3)
Editors: P.C. Dworschak, M. Stachowitsch, J.A. Ott
30th European Marine Biology Symposium
Southhampton, Great Britain, 18 - 22 August 1995;
Southhampton Oceanographic Center, University of Southhampton
Topic:- The Responses of Marine Organisms to their Environment
Editors: C.E. Hawkins, S. Hutchinson
31st European Marine Biology Symposium
St. Petersburg, Russia, 9 - 13 September 1996;
Topic:- Interactions and Adaptations
Strategies of Marine Organisms
Hydrobiologia 1997, 355
Editors: A.D. Naumov, H. Hummel, A.A. Sukhotin, J.S. Ryland
32th European Marine Biology Symposium
Lysekil, Sweden, 16-22 August 1997;
Kristineberg Marine Research Station
Topic:- Recruitment and colonization
Physical and chemical forcing on marine biological systems
Hydrobiologia 357/378, 1998
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston /London
Editors: S.Baden, L.Pihl, R.Rosenberg, J.O.Stromberg, I.Swane & P.Tiselius.
33rd European Marine Biology Symposium
Willhelmshaven, Germany, 7-11 September 1998
Forshungszentrum Terramare, D-26382 Willhelmshaven, Germany
Topics: - Life at boundaries
Life under extreme conditions- from sanhka to hydrothermal vent
Life at interfaces and under extreme conditions
Hydrobiologia 426 (2000) : 210 pp.
Editors: G. Liebezeit, S. Dittman and J. Kroncke
34th European Marine Biology Symposium
Ponta Delgada, Azores, Departemento de Biologia, R. de Mea de Deus 58, 9500 Ponta Delgada, Portugal
Topics: - Ecology and evolution of island shore biota
The deep ocean
Island, ocean and deep-sea biology
Hydrobiologia 440 (2000) :391 pp.
Editors: M.B. Jones, J.M.N. Azevedo, A.J. Neto, A.C. Costa and A.M. Frias Martins.
35th European Marine Biology Symposium
Sevastopol, Ukraine, September 2000
Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Sevastopol
Topics: - Functional heterogeneities in marine organisms, populations and communities
Anthropogenic impacts on marine organisms
(Workshop) Ecology of gelatinous zooplankton.
The symposium was cancelled because of political problems mainly due to the condamnation of Ukraine marine biologists.
36th European Marine Biology Symposium
Minorca (Mahon), Spain, September 2001
University of Barcelona and the Institute of Marine Research (Barcelona)
Topics: - Trends in marine research for the 21st century
multidisciplinary research in littoral marine ecosystem
Scientia Marina, special volume
Scientia Marina 65 (suppl. 2) A Marine Science Odyssey into the 21th century (21 invited paper)
Institut de Ciencies del Mar, CMIMA-CSIC
Editors: J.M. Gili, J.L. Pretus and T.T. Packard.
37th European Marine Biology Symposium
Reykjavik (Iceland) , August 2002
University of Iceland, Reykjavik Marine Research Institute, Reykjavik
Topic: - Migrations and dispersal of marine organisms
Hydrobiologia (in preparation).
38th European Marine Biology Symposium
Aveiro (Portugal) , September 2003
University of Aveiro, Departamento de Biologia
Topic: - Marine Biodiversity
Hydrobiologia (in preparation).
39th European Marine Biology Symposium
Genoa (Italy) , July 2004
University of Genoa
Topic: - Biodiversity in enclosed and semi-enclosed seas
- Artificial habitats and the restoration of degraded systems
40th European Marine Biology Symposium
Vienna (Austria) , August 2005
University of Vienna
Topic: - Remote and inaccessible marine habitats
- Advances in underwater observation and experimentation
41st European Marine Biology Symposium
Cork (Ireland) , September 2006
University College Cork
Topic: - Challenges to Marine Ecosystems
Meeting | Year |
Place |
President |
1966 |
Helgoland |
H. Barnes (Scotland) |
1967 |
Bergen |
H. Barnes (Scotland) |
1968 |
Arcachon |
H. Barnes (Scotland) |
1969 |
Bangor |
N. Wales Wiell (France) |
1970 |
Venice |
N. Wales Wiell (France) |
1971 |
Rovinj |
N. Wales Wiell (France) |
1972 |
Texel |
Brattstrom (Norway) |
1973 |
Sorrento [cancelled] |
Brattstrom (Norway) |
1974 |
Oban |
Brattstrom (Norway) |
1975 |
Ostend |
Brattstrom (Norway) |
1976 |
Galway |
Battaglia (Italy) |
1977 |
Stirling |
Battaglia (Italy) |
1978 |
Isle of Man |
Battaglia (Italy) |
1979 |
Heligoland |
Kinne (Germany) |
1980 |
Kiel |
Kinne (Germany) |
1981 |
Texel |
Kinne (Germany) |
1982 |
Brest |
Zijlstra (Netherlands) |
1983 |
Oslo |
Zijlstra (Netherlands) |
1984 |
Plymouth |
Zijlstra (Netherlands) |
1985 |
Hirtshals |
Gray (Norway) |
1986 |
Gdansk |
Gray (Norway) |
1987 |
Barcelona |
Gray (Norway) |
1988 |
Swansea |
M. Barnes (Scotland) |
1989 |
Oban |
M. Barnes (Scotland) |
1990 |
Ferrara |
M. Barnes (Scotland) |
1991 |
Yerseke (Middelburg) |
Glémarec (France) |
1992 |
Dublin |
Glémarec (France) |
1993 |
Crete |
Glémarec (France) |
1994 |
Vienna |
J. Ott (Austria) |
1995 |
Southampton |
J. Ott (Austria) |
1996 |
St. Petersburg |
J. Ott (Austria) |
1997 |
Lysekill (Sweden) |
T. Ryland (Wales) |
1998 |
Wilhelmshaven (Germany) |
T. Ryland (Wales) |
1999 |
Arores (Portugal) |
T. Ryland (Wales) |
2000 |
Sevastopol (Ukraine) [cancelled] |
G. Relini (Italy) |
2001 |
Minorca (Spain) |
G. Relini (Italy) |
2002 |
Reykjavik (Iceland) |
G. Relini (Italy) |
2003 |
Aveiro (Portugal) |
G. Relini (Italy) |
2004 |
Genoa (Italy) |
E. Bonsdorff (Finland) |
2005 | Vienna (Austria) |
E. Bonsdorff (Finland) |
2006 | Cork (Ireland) |
E. Bonsdorff (Finland) |